With the current passport issues, the VAC has been very active in working closely with Vanuatu Immigration and the Passport Office to work through the issues regarding RSE workers and passports.  In order to assist the Passport Office and also to reduce the stress point a the Immigration Office we have established a process to prioritise passports.  Please note that there are also other priory sectors that are outside the RSE Scheme and so your patience and adoption of this process will help everyone.



  1. Agents fill in the spreadheet (emailed to each RSE agent).  This list are all the RETURNEES ONLY who are requiring passports for the upcoming RSE assignments.
  2. Agents email the sheet to the VAC.
  3. The VAC collates them all and this becomes the master list for the Passport Office
  4. The VAC (Dan) will send you an LMAI watermarked letter to give to workers.
    1. Please note that this letter is official and original.
    2. Scammers and fraudsters exist.
    3. The VAC and Passport Office is taking note of anyone who alters an original for other workers.
  5. Workers lodge in the normal way OR agent lodges Wednesday. (We encourage all agents to lodge in batches on behalf of the workers to cut the lines at Immigration.  Agents have priority appointments on Wednesdays)
  6. Agents scan and send receipts to the VAC
  7. The VAC has regular meetings directly with the Passport Office where we present the receipts prioritised by departure date.
    1. Agents and Workers should be patient.  But our desire is that the Passports are ready a month before departure.
    2. Agents are to advise workers to NOT go directly to the passport office.

The Passport office to only use the master list  and accept no other for priority printing.

We need to trust each other on this.  There are no favourites this way and passports are processed in a timely and fair manner ACCORDING TO DEPARTURE DATE.

Please get this list through as soon as possible, especially for all RSE workers requiring passports up until Dec 31 2023.

By admin