Here is the list of licenced Vanuatu Recruitment Agencies for 2025
Emails are unless stated differently
Recruiters marked with a ✅ are current sitting members of the Vanuatu Agents Committee who represent Vanautu Licenced Agents’ Incorporated.
Recruitment Agency | Recruiters | Phone | Scheme | ||
A & K Solutions | Andria Bong | abong420 | 5936300 | PALM | |
Active Employment Agency | Sussie SEWERE | | 7724427 | PALM | |
AGB Seasonal Recruitment Agency | Viniana JIMMY | agbrecruitment15 | 5422771 | PALM | |
Anne’s Consultancy Services | Anne PAKOA | annesconsultancyservices | PALM | ||
Aoba Tropical Group | Daisy NGWANGO | aoba.tropical | 7752981 | PALM | |
D&A Associates | David NASAK TIRA✅ | david.nasak | 7796356 5609989 | PALM | |
Empower SWR | Dan Dempsey✅ & Dorothy Namen | dan at | 34357 | PALM | RSE | |
ETM Consultancy | Sylvie Kalmet✅ & Abel Suisala KALMET | sylviekalmet | 5309713 7116693 | PALM | RSE | |
Farmstaff Vanuatu | Christelle CROWBY & Junior MALAS✅ | farmstaffvanuatu at | 7788818 5033356 | PALM | |
Florence Maliwan Recruitment Agency | Florence MALIWAN | maliwanflorence | 7103236 | RSE | |
Group Various | Louise VARI | groupvarious.labour | 7642450 | PALM | |
Hakwa Recruiting Agents and Consultants | Silas Charles HAKWA | consultants at | 5436993 7777203 | PALM | RSE | |
Harvest Recruitment Agency | Elizabeth Bebe IAUKO | manager.harvestra | 7710128 | PALM | RSE | |
Havutu Seasonal Employment | Hamilton BOE | hamyboe2013 | 7776175 5385286 | PALM | |
Helping Hand Recruiters | Amelia SHEDRACK | alensey001 | 7386027 | PALM | |
I Administration | Gideon IAWAKI | gideoniawaki | 7713005 | RSE | |
Iasua Recrutiing Agency | Maeva NALAU | iasuaagency23 | 7774512 | PALM | |
Imere Seasonal Workers Agency | Judith SAMBO | jsambo04 | 7113272 | PALM | |
JA Consultancy Services🆕 | Charity TAU & Melody Kalman | jaconsultancy24 | PALM | ||
Jezza Seasonal Recruitment | Nicole PARALIYU & Julie REREMAN | jezzaseasonalrecruitment | 7736340 7711776 | PALM | RSE | |
Jim & Suwe Seasonal Recruiting Agency | Jim Nauta KOTA & Suwe TABI | walter.kota | 5422391 | PALM | |
JJ Recruitment Agency | Jean Claude TAHIREVE | recruitment4agency | 7602847 5457260 | PALM | |
JML Agency | Lina KALOKIS | kalokislina | 5958959 7339511 | PALM | |
Jobs Australia ( Vanuatu ) | Nancy JACOB | nancy.jacob at | 5362838 | PALM | |
Jobs Vanuatu Agencies | Sophia SUMAKI | sumakisophia | 7747314 5120314 | PALM | RSE | |
KR Yumi Grow Recruiting Agency | Pascal NAKOU & Sandrina IATIKA | pascalnakou5 | 5346636 7309074 | PALM | |
Kuwae Seasonal Employment Agent | John SURAN | kuwaeseasonal2023 | 7741225 5348466 | PALM | |
Lake Consultants | Roslyn LAKELEO | lakeconsultants2 | 7797551 5366247 | PALM | |
LB Consultancy Services | Dudley WAI & Florence WAI | lbconsultancyservices at | 7725221 | PALM | |
Leisei Recruitment Services | Leisei NALAWAS | fredleisei | 7131301 5639141 | PALM | RSE | |
Linkus Consultancy Vanautu | Gwen Kalmet✅ | info at | 7763550 | RSE | |
LSR Consulting🆕 | Sivi KARA | sivikara | PALM | ||
Maeriki Agency | Mariel DANEIL | Maeriki287 | 7390252 7369397 | RSE | |
Melanesian Seasonal Employers | Julian WELLS | julianwellsmse | 7784830 5917451 | PALM | |
Micro Labour Solutions | Edmond TOKA | edmond.toka | 7742432 5290740 | PALM | |
Namba 1 General Consultancy Serivces | Nadia KANEGAI- DIDOU | njkanegai | 7741059 24593 | PALM | |
Navison Strong Recruitment | Ladonna DANIEL | mozziedaniel | 7715017 | PALM | |
Neat Labour Services🆕 | Walter and Ingrid ALATOA | neatlabourservices | RSE | ||
Paradise Seasonal Workers Agency | Annie DAVID | paradiseseasonalworkersagency | 7618628 7105786 | PALM | |
Radeessa Seasonal Employment Agency | Emmalyn NARU & Jude SALRO | shanzyrose1 | 5334990 5603709 | PALM | RSE | |
Radiant Work – Way Agency | Ruth KEMSON | ruthie_kem | 5672856 7644199 | RSE | |
Realm Consultancy Services🆕 | Ruben LUKE | rubenluke54 | RSE | ||
Sachan Recruitment | Meriam DANIEL | meriammothydaniel | 7308450 | PALM | |
Sanapango Recruiting Agency | Janet POILAPA | collyne116 | 5555511 | PALM | |
SDC Consulting | Sally CARLO | sdcconsulting2023 | 5306099 | PALM | |
Seasons Abroad | Leijapn KEN | Seasonsabroad | 5300602 | RSE | |
Stanson Consultants | Hannah LIUNAKWALAU | stansonconsult | 7318226 7313170 | PALM | RSE | |
Sunflower Seasonal Recruitment🆕 | John TERRY | johnterry.sunflower | RSE | ||
Ta-Hor Agency | Betheline WALAU | tahor.walau22 | 7692032 5002493 | PALM | |
Tano Recruiting Agency | Emmanuel ROSLYN | tanoarecruitingacency | 5006234 | RSE | |
Together Recruitment Solutions Agency🆕 | Nixon SARAI | nixonsarai1982 | PALM | ||
Vanuatu Nasawa Recruitment Agency🆕 | Terry NASAWA | jajjjjn | 5352526 | PALM | |
Vanuatu Seasonal Workforce Recruitment | Serah Royline JACOB | swpvswr | 5362838 5402334 | PALM | RSE | |
Waat Recruiters | Angela NAIO | angelanaio22 | 7119969 5037430 | PALM | |
Witnol Consultants | Witnol TOR | witnolbenkor | 5282543 | PALM | |
Woolies Recruitment Agency | Nonia NIAL | nonianial94 | 7341926 | PALM | |
Yellow Flower🆕 | Daffodil TARI | yellowflower7181 | PALM |