The VAC has just received information regarding RSE workers being allowed to apply for visas.  There are strict conditions but this is the outline below.  For further information see your agent.

Temporary process for Vanuatu Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) returning workers to travel to NZ

From now to 31 March 2024, INZ will accept newly issued Certificates of Identity (COIs) from Vanuatu RSE workers. INZ will accept passports and grant limited visas for Vanuatu RSE workers where they have six months or less remaining passport validity, on the basis they will be granted a COI to travel back to Vanuatu at the end of their period in New Zealand. Sub-groups of returning RSE workers and new workers will be required to complete biometric enrolment prior to applying for their RSE visa.


Here is the process for returning workers. We are still working through the process for new RSE workers wanting to travel on COIs and will provide further guidance next week. 

 RSE worker situationPassport statusRequirements
Returning RSE workerVALID passportTravel on valid passport
If the valid passport is due to expire while the RSE worker is in NZ, a Limited Visa can be issued to one month prior to expiry. The RSE worker will need to a lodge a Variation of Travel Conditions application, to get remainder of work period into COI or new passport.
Returning RSE workerTravelling on COIINZ can grant the visa into a COI, and will inform the RSE worker they must carry their expired Vanuatu passport with them to New Zealand as a secondary form of identification.
HAS their EXPIRED passport
Returning RSE workerTravelling on COIIf past travel was on passport, can travel on Vanuatu COI.
DOESN’T HAVE their EXPIRED passport (lost passport or only held COI previously)If past travel was on a COI, biometric enrolment required at Visa Acceptance Centre in Port Vila prior to visa application. Fee required of NZD$88 to be paid at the time. Biometric enrolment starts from 11 November 2023. Biometric enrolment is the taking of fingerprints and facial images to support identity assurance. Detailed guidance to be provided next week regarding biometric enrolment process.
New RSE workerVALID passportTravel on valid passport.
 New RSE workerTravelling on COIDetailed guidance to be provided next week regarding biometric enrolment process.

This is a most welcome development and one that the VAC has had a lot of input into make happen.  Special thanks to all the people in the Vanautu Government, NZ High Commission and MBIE for making this allowance.

By admin